Thursday, May 19, 2011


this is my remix video. i thought it would be super cool to have like a "battle" of sorts - kind of like what "Modega" talked about except with mozart and kid cudi. they're both similar in that their social lives and choices are usually and have been criticized by the public. I really like both of their music. here ya go: 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dega Documentary

I chose to edit footage shot by Emily and Nathaniel. They filmed the Dega making Spring Rolls and talking about their lives previously coming to Greensboro. From this project I've gathered that inevitably while cooking, you usually start talking about culture and family. It was insightful to hear about their lives and interesting to listen to their take on their lives in America. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is Digital Media Bad For Us?

I don't necessarily think that Digital Media is bad for us. The technology & communication development has done wonders for our society. However, I think that Digital Media has lessened our face-to-face communication and has dulled our skills in the department. For example, in the film school, we have lots of meetings, but all these meetings are set up through emails, texting, and even phone calls. Usually, when we need to find someone, we call or text them. Even when our classes our cancelled we get an email about. Our school within UNCSA is probably the most technology advanced. 

As far as being "addicted to the internet," like any other addiction, it really depends on the person. Whether you have an addictive personality or not, or whether you have self control.

Art & Artists In The Digital Age

NPR & Issa: Go Issa! If she's cool with allowing her fans to pay whatever they want for her albums, more power to her! She, is what I feel, is an artist in this business who isn't concerned with the business of it at all. I wish some of my favorite bands would do this, because some of their albums are a waste of $20 or some odd dollars.

Atomic Tom: Great... another use of the iPhone. As a Digital Piece I'd say this is super cool. And I know that they're an actual band who's instruments broke... but I don't think because you can strum on you iPhone guitar app makes you a musician. This totally discredits the years of work musicians put into crafting and perfecting their art. 

Social Issue Focus: I've always loved this vlog. And this one really scared me... but what does this have to do with anything we just read about? It's a vlog, I get it... go Digital Media... but why?

REMIXXXXXX: Remixes are fun. I think that sometimes that allow a song to reach their full potential because it gives you someone else's take one something. It's like different variations on a play or film. It reminds me of the Winter Scenes we do here at the Film School.

Fair Use & Copyright & Novella & American Lawbreaking: Copyrights are valuable. Without them, artists would not get the recognition that they deserve on the projects that they work hard on.

Justin McIntosh: I love his stuff & the fact that he doesn't back down from the power horse that is Disney. YAY!

Creativity, Influence, Ownership, and Art In The Digital Age

Digital Media and Why It Matters: I would love to say that I enjoyed listening to this, but this was the most boring thing I have ever listened to. Thankfully, there are other articles for me to read so that I can grasp the concept of Digital Media, because this audio presentation was all over the place. I couldn't see the point. It was said that analog media was continuous and digital media is discontinuous...that's it. I don't know what else to say?

Lev Manovich (Digital & New Media): This selection grabbed my attention because of this sentence:
"Where shall we stop?"
My answer to this is that I don't think we should. Although many would argue that digital media is 'taking over', I don't really think there's anything we can do to stop it. People are going to keep making discoveries, and I don't think (unless they're hurting other people) anyone has the authority to stop them. It's only going to help us in the long run.

 The Ecstasy Of Influence:
"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. . . ."
—John Donne 
I think that this is true, however, something needs to be addressed. There's a difference between being influenced by someone else's ideas & being lazy and just outright copying them. Let's face it... especially as artists, everything has been done already. Only so many stories can be told. However, there are many different variations of said story that can be told. 

Lawrence Lessig & The Copyright: Copyrights are valuable. Without them, artists would not get the recognition that they deserve on the projects that they work hard on.

Girl Talk: I love Girl Talk. I love that he takes snippets from pre-existing songs (and I love that he's found the loop hole in how to use them legally) and makes a new one. I'm all for collaboration and blending art together. Kudos to you, Girl Talk.

Digital Media In Performing Arts: Prior to coming to UNCSA for Film I worked as an Assistant Stage Manager in NYC with some up and coming off Broadway theatre companies. With Terra Firma Dance Theatre I worked on a show called The Sandman. It blended theatre (there was only one actor), dance (5 modern dancers accompanied the actor), and film (there were films playing about the play being projected behind the live action.) Since then, I've wanted to find a way to do this all again. I love collaboration. Hopefully, when I get out of here, I can.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project Brief

An aspect of Montagnards living that I am most interested in learning about is their culture and how they farm their food. I was wondering if they still prepared their food and farmed traditionally, or if that was changed when they migrated to NC. If it has changed, how has it affected their culture?

I would like to know if the children of the immigrants have had trouble combining their American Culture with their Montgnard heritage. I suppose I could go to one of their farms and see how they harvest food and maybe talk to some of the younger inhabitants to find out their opinions.

Hugs and Kisses,
Katelin Fasano-Perry